
Wednesday 25 April 2012

My Bucket List~
The Common Life Goals

  • Break a world record
  • Experience weightlessness/ anti-gravity
  • Extreme skydiving, James Bond and Mission Impossible style
  • Get a new brand of bike, join a letour bike race illegally and win it
  • Go scuba diving, and go visit the underwater cave 
  • Ride a camel through the pyramid of Egypt or in a middle of scorching desert
  • Ride an elephant 
  • Ride and fly a helicopter
  • Ride in hot a balloon, cook a hot dog while at it , use the fire burner
  • Skydive, and land famously, elegantly and cool-ly infront of your friends and families
  • Swims with the fishes, dolphins and whales
  • Go white water rafting 
  • Be a contestant in The Amazing Race
  • Be a contestant in The Survivor
  • Be an actor in Lost
  • Be an actor in SuperNatural
  • Be an actor with Chuck Norris
  • Be a contestant in a Japanese Game show

  • Become a manager
  • Become an executive
  • Own my own business
  • Become a CEO
  • Make a Fortune 500 with my company

  • Start a non-profit or enviromental-friendly organization
  • Invite all the staff for an all families and friend picnic
  • Make them all to donate blood 
  • Create a  website, generate money from it, become famous from it
  • Fill a journal with inspiring quotes, lyrics, images, and...
  • Write and publish a  book

  • Write a screenplay
  • Perfom in a play
  • Direct a dramatic production

  • Win an award for something
  • Meet my favourite famous actors
  • Goes to hollywood and assist on producing a movie of the year
  • Have a healthy baby
  • Watch my child graduate from high school
  • Watch my child graduate from college
  • Host a family reunion and trip to Disney

  • Pay off all debt
  • Save $100,000
  • Save $500,000
  • Become a millionaire

Friends / Friendships
  • Host a reunion with my high school friends

  • Be a contestant in a famous game show like "WipeOut"
  • Ride in a limo

  • Lose 20 pounds
  • Lose 50 pounds
  • Lose 100 pounds
  • Make my goal weight
  • Make someone quit drug or smokes
  • Sell my invention and craft to Ebay

  • Buy a house
  • Build a log cabin on a peaceful mountain
  • Build a media room for the family to enjoy

Learning / Education
  • Learn CPR
  • Learn to drive a stick shift engine
  • Learn to knit
  • Learn to play golf
  • Learn to play the guitar
  • Learn to play the piano
  • Learn to play the violin
  • Learn to scuba dive
  • Learn to snow ski
  • Learn to snowboard
  • Learn to speak another language
  • Learn to surf
  • Learn to water ski
  • Complete my college degree
  • Complete my PhD
  • Teach a college class

  • Read all Harry Potter novels
  • Write a book and publish it

Love / Love Life
  • Find my true love
  • Get marri e d
  • Go on a blind date
  • Join an online dating service

  • Celebrate my 25th anniversary
  • Celebrate my 50th anniversary

  • Play an instrument in a band
  • Form a band
  • Donate instruments for the school band for those who cannot afford them
  • 10 albums I've heard in my life and wanted to hear them

  • Get some pets, until my house become a personal mini zoo
  • Get rid of clutter and only keep what matters most

Play / Recreation
  • Form a famous club, you had to be very very exclusive to join it
  • Form a club , a very very secret club

  • Make peace with my family

  • Canoe through the Amazon
  • Complete and "Ironman" competition
  • Go deep sea fishing
  • Go hang gliding
  • Go to all games of my favorite football team
  • Go to all games of my favorite baseball team
  • Go to all games of my favorite basketball team
  • Go to all games of my favorite hockey team
  • Go to the US Open
  • Raft through the Grand Canyon
  • Run a marathon
  • Visit all US baseball parks

Time of Year
  • Celebrate the New Year in NYC, watching the ball drop at midnight
  • Celebrate the 4th of July in Washington DC

  • Go on a trip around-the-world
  • Go to Egypt
  • Go to Hawaii
  • Go to Ireland
  • Go to Italy
  • Go to London
  • Go to Niagra Falls
  • Go to Paris
  • Go to the Grand Canyon
  • Earn 1,000,000 travel miles
  • See the aurora borealis
  • See the Great Wall of China
  • See the Rain Forest 
  • Visit all the 50 states in US
  • Visit every states in every nation in the world
  • Have the list in my bucket list finished before I kicked the bucket

Evil and funny and weird bucket List:

This is my Evil Bucket list, hope you guys can take note and enjoy!

This is my funny and weird bucket list, please don't think I'm too weird after reading it.